Undignified is a worship community that’s created to help and inspire others to worship without restraints..A place where our hearts are exposed to God..It’s a place where you will find real, raw worship.
Learn more on their Facebook: www.facebook.com/UndignifiedWorshippers

Josh and Debs Walker have served with Teenstreet worldwide for many years. On the content team, with TS international, they write global theme bible studies and messages; they also really enjoy their role speaking at Teenstreet events around the globe! They are from Dublin, Ireland, and live in Houston in the United States with their four kids. In Houston, They also lead a ministry serving underserved communities (homeless, low income, and ex-offenders) called 7More. They are thrilled to be sharing these Teenstreet times with you all!! Feel free to follow and ask any questions on Instagram @debswalker_

Life City Church Worship is a modern church located in Trinidad.
Learn more on their Website: https://www.lifecitychurchtt.com