Peigthons podcast za Isusa

Peighton je sudjelovala u pet TeenStreet događaja, počevši od svoje 11 godina. Već prvi događaj utjecao je na njezin život, koji se nastavio. Odrasla je u crkvi, njezina je majka bila u službi za mlade i Peighton je vjerovala Isusu, ali u snažnom trenutku tijekom bogoslužja u TeenStreetu nešto se promijenilo. Ona kaže: “U tom trenutku, moj odnos s Gospodinom postao je moj vlastiti, i za mene je postao stvaran.”

Kaže da se u početku osjećala nesigurno što bi ljudi mislili o njoj, ali joj je sudjelovanje u TeenStreetu pomoglo da to prebrodi. Vidjevši druge tinejdžere i odrasle kako se mole, štuju i da su ranjivi natjeralo ju je da poželi ono što su imali. Vrijeme provedeno u maloj grupi na velikom događaju bilo je važno jer su ona i ostali mogli razgovarati o temama, podijeliti ono što su naučili, a zatim također imati privatno vrijeme nasamo s Gospodinom.

Now, Peighton is bold about her faith and talks to anyone God puts in her path. People have told her she’s a light as she walks in such freedom and talks of her relationship with God. She also began a podcast that she says is “all about Jesus.” She says, “It was pretty scary, but I knew people need to hear about Jesus, and this is a sweet story of what Jesus has done in me.” Listeners have thanked her for sharing the message, saying it was exactly what they needed. Peighton says that now she faces every situation asking “Jesus, what do you want me to do?” She says, “I’m always talking about Him.” She has been involved in mission trips outside her country and is excited about further involvement in international missions.

Vicki je pronašla Isusa 12 godina nakon TeenStreeta

Prvi put sam se susreo sa Svetim Duhom u Teenstreet Germany kada sam imao 15 godina! Bila sam tako obuzeta njegovom ljubavlju prema meni! Osjećao sam mir kakav nikad prije nisam osjetio! Sva tjeskoba i briga napustili su moje tijelo! I dalje bih ponekad osjećao taj mir, ali mi je bilo teško povezati se s Gospodinom dugi niz godina dok se 12 godina kasnije nisam vratio u Teenstreet, ovaj put u Australiju! Ovdje sam iznova naišla na njegovu slatku prisutnost, ali ovaj put nisam mogla to pustiti! Htjela sam biti u njegovoj prisutnosti svaki dan! Od tog dana živim izvan njegove prisutnosti i svakodnevno ga osjećam tako blizu! Njegova opipljiva prisutnost! Nikada neću zaboraviti ogroman utjecaj Teenstreeta na moj život i još uvijek ga ima

Malezijski tinejdžeri započinju TeenStreet u Kambodži

Aaron iz Malezije pohađao je TeenStreet kao tinejdžer, a zatim kao mlada odrasla osoba, zajedno s prijateljima iz svoje lokalne zajednice. Sada ima 31 godinu, on još uvijek koristi stvari koje je tamo naučio kako bi utjecao na još jednu generaciju mladih ljudi u svojoj zemlji i Kambodži. “TeenStreet je zaiskrila i ponovno rasplamsala vatru u nama da volimo Boga i slušamo ga. Lekcije koje smo naučili pomogle su nam u našem hodu s Isusom, a isto smo željeli vidjeti i kod drugih tinejdžera — da oni gore i žive po Evanđelju.”

When Aaron’s church organized a trip to Cambodia to run a youth camp, he modeled it after TeenStreet, using what he had learned. Nearly 100 teens from 10 villages attended, and Aaron and his team taught the Bible using the creative methods they had experienced. The church has returned to Cambodia in the following years to continue the youth camp. The theme always mirrors the heartbeat of TeenStreet: loving God and loving people. They have taught the teens components from TeenStreet, such as how to spend time alone with the Lord, small group discipleship where a more mature Christian mentors groups of teens, and how to support one another and discuss what they’re learning from Scripture.

Ne samo da je kamp utjecao na živote mladih ljudi u Kambodži, već Aaron i njegov tim nastavljaju koristiti iste komponente TeenStreeta s mladim ljudima kod kuće, pomažući im da rastu kao Isusovi sljedbenici.

Lachlan & Tiffany’s from Australia to Albania

Lachlan i Tiffany iz Australije su dvije godine radili kao OM radnici s punim radnim vremenom u Albaniji, ali sve je počelo s TeenStreetom.

Tiffany grew up in the church and went to several TeenStreet events in Australia. She says, “One of the years I went, we talked about how your parents’ faith is not your own. That was something that hit my heart really hard.” It led to her deciding, “Yes, Christianity is what I want, God is what I want.” She began to think of life in relation to God rather than thinking only of what she would like to do.

Meanwhile, Lachlan hadn’t grown up in a Christian home, but Tiffany’s brother invited him to TeenStreet. He says, “That was the first time I’d heard anything spiritual … It was so clear to me in that week that this was the real thing, this was the truth. TeenStreet played a big role in my being open to having Jesus in my life and eventually accepting Him as God and Savior.”

Tiffany and Lachlan met at TeenStreet. She says, “Each year that we’ve gone, there’s been either something on our hearts or a decision we needed to pray through. It’s really been a help spending a week with Jesus and not having distractions and having people who are there to help. For us, that was a huge part of deciding to date, deciding to get married, and also to open up space to go on a mission trip. We went to Nepal for two weeks while we were dating, and it really affected how we thought of missions.”

Lachlan says, “TeenStreet played a big role from coming to a real, living faith to providing a space where, in the midst of the year, we could put our entire focus on who Jesus is and what He wants from our lives, what He’s saying to us now. And it has really grown us every time as we try to live this out day to day.” TeenStreet was also key in the couple moving into missions. “It played a big role in our hearing from God and also by giving us opportunity to hear from missionaries and go on a short-term mission trip,” Lachlan says.

Kako se Net grupa promijenila nakon TeenStreeta

Will i Jess i njihova djeca preselili su se iz SAD-a u Crnu Goru 2019. kako bi služili s OM-om. U ovoj maloj zemlji na Jadranskom moru sjeverozapadno od Albanije, manje od jedan posto stanovništva identificira se kao sljedbenici evanđeoskog Isusa.

All of the teens from the local church attended the TeenStreet Balkans event, so Will and Jess went along to get to know these young people they would be working with. They saw significant changes in the teens after the event, so they built on what the teens learned and experienced at TeenStreet. Will and Jess are excited to see them grow from being focused on themselves to thinking of others and taking the first steps of reaching out to people around them with the message of God’s love.

Tinejdžeri nisu imali iskustva s interaktivnim biblijskim studijama i raspravama. Međutim, TeenStreet im je pomogao naučiti surađivati s Biblijom, raspravljati o onome što čitaju i nauče te aktivno nastojati rasti u svom razumijevanju i vjeri. Will i Jess kažu: "Dok smo uključivali stvari iz TeenStreeta u našu malu grupu, vidimo da postaju sve otvoreniji... bolje su opremljeni da ohrabruju jedni druge."

Kroz aktivnosti započete u TeenStreetu, većina tinejdžera u crkvenoj skupini odlučila je da im trebaju mentori koji bi pomogli u rastu. Budući da su tinejdžeri to inicirali, Will i Jess uspjeli su pokrenuti mentorski program kako bi podučili te mlade ljude i pomogli im da budu odrasli sljedbenici Isusa.

Značajan korak za tinejdžere bio je naučiti misliti na druge i shvatiti potrebu da drugi poznaju Isusa. Grupa je započela male oblike djelovanja u svojoj zajednici, a Will i Jess se nadaju da će to rasti. TeenStreet je započeo proces koji mijenja život ovim tinejdžerima, pomažući im da svoju vjeru i hodanje s Bogom učine stvarnim dok provode ono što su naučili u djelo.

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