“Boldness is not feeling something and THEN acting – it’s the opposite!” Peter, the coward who denied Jesus, became bold when he began to act like Jesus, imitating him. This is how boldness is born. With the verses from Romans 8:37-39 and the promise that we are more than conquerors, the teenagers were dismissed from the Main Hall to go to their small groups.
TeenStreet is part of OM (Operation Mobilization) and OM wants to reach the 3 billion people who have little opportunity to hear about Jesus and His love. So TeenStreet also focuses on an unreached country every day. Todays unreached country was Kyrgyzstan so we prayed for the country and their people in various places throughout the day.
During Throne Room, we were reminded about the story of the healing of the beggar in Acts 3. The beggar, Peter and John had one thing in common: the Father who knows them, loves them and wants to heal them – and the same is true for us. Elle Limebear (UK) led the worship. She spoke about mental health and her own problems with anxiety and emphasized that we can only find safety, hope and peace in Jesus. She challenged us to take the next bold step of faith – go to the prayer team, talk to our coach or small group. God is already waiting for us.
The worship time was intense and those who wanted to stay in God’s presence longer were able to continue praising Him in the Main Hall, while the others ended another TeenStreet day with burgers, non-alcoholic cocktails, sports, fun and fellowship.