This morning we found out who did the most laps in the RAG race (Axel from France with 24 laps) and who got the most money (Hanus from the Faroe Islands with 2077.75 euros). Congratulations! 


We looked at Stephen today and the three stages of his faith from a humble servant, to someone who passed on the light of Jesus with the DUNAMIS power, to someone who went through trials and even when he was stoned said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The question to us is: “Are you ready to become a bold witness and to be faithful in your faith?” 


Paul did not stop at the end of his life; he continued to share with boldness and without hindrances. We too have this hope, enabling us to proclaim who Jesus is and what He has done in our lives! 


Before Main Hall ended, we received one more practical tip to strengthen our life of faith: if we consciously schedule time with God into our daily lives and prioritize it, everything else will fall into place (Matthew 6:33). 



The last two Interact 1 & 2 sessions were fantastic! When else do you get the chance to choose from a variety of seminars, workshops, and panels, engage in different sports, art, music, and dance, and enjoy fellowship with teens from over 20 countries? 


During Throne Room, the TeenStreet Choir and Orchestra energized the band’s worship at the start. Jesus rejoices when we receive the Holy Spirit, go into the world, and let the DUNAMIS power of the Holy Spirit transform us! 



The message that was sent out to every was – “You are the sequel of the movement started by Jesus 2000 years ago!” Our four speakers – Quentin, Frida, Joel and Madi – sent us out to our places, our homes and our schools with the “Amen” from the song “The Blessing” we all closed this commissioning time and continued to celebrate Jesus in worship. 


Teens, we look forward to seeing you back home. “Wait, receive and go!” – the world is waiting for you to change it! 


See you at TeenStreet 2025 from the 31st of July to 6th of August in Offenburg (Germany)!